Every week, we present you with a selection of videos from youtube. You have a chance to choose which videos you want to see on the site, all you have to do is send the name of the video or artiste to my mail box (unilagblogger@yahoo.com). We also present you with a poll, and next week's poll will be for the best dressed girl in class. Please mail your nominations to me before Sunday and the polls will me published. Thanks for your cooperation.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It is my pleasure to welcome you to this brand-new blog.

I have created this blog in order to keep everyone abreast of all the latest gist in class and abroad. I intend for this blog to be very lively, and hence, I'd love to receive updates from anybody and everybody. My email address in unilagblogger@yahoo.com. You can also check out the facebook page here, and follow me on twitter at http://twitter.com/ unilagblogger. My facebook ID is 'Diploma Scribe'. Please feel free to add me as a friend there.

I hope you all have fun using this blog. Post comments, write reviews and tell us what you would like to see on the blog.


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